St Mary's Health Centre, Cop Lane, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 0SR
Telephone: 01772 970079 (Please note - area code must be dialled, even for local calls)
We are currently closed. If you call us between 18:30-20:30 weekdays, 09:00-17:00 on Saturdays and 09:00-12:00 on Sundays your call will automatically forward to our 'Increased Access' out of hours service where you can book 'on-the-day' GP and Practice Nurse appointments at one of our other network sites in Preston. For more information on this service go to
See our other Locations
UCLan Medical Centre, Foster Building, UCLan Campus, Preston, PR1 2HE | Telephone: 01772 970079
Should you need care and support at the end of your life, you have the right to decide how you wish to be cared for and where you wish to die. End of life care can be provided to you in your own home, in care homes, in hospices or in hospital depending on your situation. However, regardless of where you receive the care it should enable you to live your life in the best possible way before you die.
For more information about end of life care, please click here.
If you are suffering with a terminal illness, your end of life care plan may include palliative care. Palliative care can provide an excellent support system to cope with your illness, helping you to manage your symptoms as well as providing psychological support to you and your loved ones to make your final days comfortable ones.
Although it can be difficult, it is important that you make decisions about your future now whilst you are able to. In doing this, you save your family from having to make decisions for you and give yourself the best chance that your own wishes will be fulfilled.
There are a few key things to think about including: