St Mary's Health Centre, Cop Lane, Penwortham, Preston, PR1 0SR
Telephone: 01772 970079 (Please note - area code must be dialled, even for local calls)
We are currently closed. If you call us between 18:30-20:30 weekdays, 09:00-17:00 on Saturdays and 09:00-12:00 on Sundays your call will automatically forward to our 'Increased Access' out of hours service where you can book 'on-the-day' GP and Practice Nurse appointments at one of our other network sites in Preston. For more information on this service go to
See our other Locations
UCLan Medical Centre, Foster Building, UCLan Campus, Preston, PR1 2HE | Telephone: 01772 970079
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Although we often prioritise our physical health, our mental health can often be equally if not more debilitating to out day to day lives. Sometimes without us even realising the effects of our mental health issues can start to have an impact on the rest of our lives, including our lifestyle, relationships and opportunities we receive. Therefore, it is important that if you feel that you are struggling with your mental health, you ask for support form your Doctor and the people around you so that they can help to get you back to being your best self. Please remember, everyone struggles with their mental health indifferent ways at some point, there is absolutely no shame in speaking out about your problems and we will always be happy to help you.
If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed or down in the dumps, the NHS have put together a few techniques which may help you to feel better. These techniques are excellent for helping to ease your mind in the short term, but if your low mood has been a persistent issue please reach out for help. But for now, why not try:
For further tips and guidance on how to improve your mood, try listening to the NHS Mood Boosting audio guides.
The theme for Mental Health Awareness week this year is Body Image, how we think and feel about our bodies. For many people, our bodies and body image are a source of shame or distress. No matter what your age, gender, sexuality or religion, everyone is vulnerable to feeling the pressure of how they ‘should’ look and what their bodies ‘should’ be able to do. Unsurprisingly, having a negative relationship with your body can have an extremely detrimental effect on your physical and mental health. The more comfortable you are in yourself, the less likely you are to engage in behaviours which may be destructive to your well being.
we recognise that learning to be happy in yourself can be a challenging process, so here is a list of things to keep in mind to help you to stay positive and improve your relationship with your body: